# Forbidden and already-used TLDs contract

The Punk Domains architecture allows for multiple TLD factories (each with a different business model). In order to avoid colisions (two factories must not issue the same TLD), a separate contract is needed which keeps track of already-used and forbidden TLD names.

Contract code: https://github.com/punk-domains-2/punk-contracts/blob/main/contracts/PunkForbiddenTlds.sol

# Read methods

# isTldForbidden

The function tells you whether a TLD name has already been used or is forbidden to use (like .eth), or not. If not, a TLD Factory can create it.

function isTldForbidden(string memory _name) public view returns (bool)


  • TLD name (for example: .wagmi)


  • Boolean (true or false)

# factoryAddresses

This function returns whether a certain address has been whitelisted (as a factory address), or not.

function factoryAddresses(address) public view returns (bool)


  • TLD address


  • Boolean (true or false)

# Owner methods

# addForbiddenTld

Contract owner (Punk Domains governance) can add a TLD name which can't be used by any TLD Factory for TLD registration.

function ownerAddForbiddenTld(string memory _name) public onlyOwner


  • _name: a TLD name (for example, .eth)

# removeForbiddenTld

Contract owner (Punk Domains governance) can remove a TLD name from the forbidden list.

function removeForbiddenTld(string memory _name) public onlyOwner


  • _name: a TLD name (for example, .eth)

# addFactoryAddress

Contract owner (Punk Domains governance) can add a new TLD Factory address. Every whitelisted TLD Factory can add TLD names to the forbidden list.

function addFactoryAddress(address _fAddr) public onlyOwner


  • _fAddr : a TLD factory address

# removeFactoryAddress

Contract owner (Punk Domains governance) can remove an existing TLD Factory address.

function removeFactoryAddress(address _fAddr) public onlyOwner


  • _fAddr : a TLD factory address